2023 포항 국제수소연료전지포럼

2023 포항 국제수소연료전지포럼

2023. 10. 26 13:20 - 17:30
포스코 국제관 1F 국제회의장

수소연료전지 포럼은

국내외 저명한 수소 분야 전문가들과 관련기관들을 모시고, 연료전지 활성화 방안을 모색해보는 자리입니다.
2022년을 시작으로 매년 포럼을 개최해 산‧학‧연‧관 수소 관련 전문가들의 지혜와 해법을 모아 포항시가 친환경 수소특화 도시가 될 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

Pohang International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Forum gathers prominent domestic and international hydrogen experts and related organizations to explore ways to promote the fuel cell sector. Starting in 2022, the forum will be held annually to pool the wisdom and solutions of hydrogen experts from the industry, academia, research institutes and government to help Pohang become a city specialized in environmentally friendly hydrogen.


Keynote Speech

Lee Wang Jae

Managing Director of Business Unit - Eco Energy BU

Special Lecture 1

Stephan Kiermaier

Forschungszentrum Jülich, INW, Team Leader Process Intensification

Special Lecture 2

Sjoerd Rooijakkers

Policy Officer Program Energy Systems at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Netherlands

Special Lecture 3

Lars Hammarström

Science and Innovation Counsellor, Embassy of Sweden, Republic of Korea

Session 1

Kim Min Seok

S-Fuelcell CEO

Session 2
Panel Discussion

Lee Tae Won

FCI Co. Ltd. CEO

Session 3
Panel Discussion

Yang Tae Hyun

Hydrogen Program Director of KIER

Panel Discussion

Jang Sung Hyuck


Panel Discussion

Kim Yong Chae

Vice Chairman, KHFCIA

Panel Discussion

Jeong Seong Uk

KETEP, Hydrogen divison, Program Director

Panel Discussion

Lee Soo Chool

Research Professor, RIAET, KNU